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Specializing in Strength and Conditioning Consulting and Training for Coaches and Athletes

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Using Science to Unlock Your Strength Potential

Chris Dellasega provides strength and conditioning coaching to athletes and coaching consultation services.


With over 20 years of experience in the industry, I am a seasoned strength and conditioning coach and sports performance specialist. I received my Master's in Exercise Science from the University of Kansas.

Throughout my career, I have coached athletes from every level of competition - from high school and Division 1 to professional and Olympic, including a four-time world record holder.

I've also served as the High-Performance Director for private training facilities specializing in performance training and biomechanical research for elite athletes.

I've also taught over fifteen continuing education courses to strength coaches and personal trainers from the US and Canada and written and contributed content to several publications as a continuing education provider.

My approach to training combines the science of strength training with years of experience applying those training principles that allow me to identify and correct your weaknesses so you can perform your best.


My name is Chris Dellasega, and I am an expert in human performance. I specialize in developing individualized training, nutrition, supplement protocols, and lifestyle coaching that have helped clients achieve multiple world records, contracts with professional teams, starting positions, and improving body composition.

With a career spanning over 20 years, I have worked with high-level athletes across various sports and successful businesspeople. My experience includes roles as a strength coach at the National team and Division 1 level, a training facility owner, and a High-Performance Director at prestigious training facilities.

I have a Master’s degree in Exercise Science, and the scope of my studies focused on exercise physiology. As a graduate student, I led a research study involving Division 1 athletes, participated and contributed to other lab studies, and also had the opportunity to coach at the Division 1 level.

My academic background has given me an understanding of human performance and the ability to do research and think critically. My industry experience has taught me how to apply the principles that govern human performance training and nutrition in individualized real-world settings.

As a lifelong learner, I am committed to staying at the forefront of my field. This dedication has led me to continue my education by learning more about human psychology, stress physiology, the practical application of essential nutrition, and the benefits of strategically using high-quality nutritional supplements. This allows me to individualize training, nutrition and supplement protocols, and recovery strategies specific to the individual and their training objective.

My guiding principle is to train the individual, not the sport or position they play.

Chris Dellasega providing strength and conditioning coaching to four-time world record holder track cyclist Ashton Lambie.
Chris Dellasega provides strength and conditioning coaching to a college basketball player from the University of Kansas on the bench press.


My specialty is providing strength and conditioning services to athletes and coaches to identify and achieve specific athletic performance goals. Whether you're an athlete interested in improving their performance or a coach responsible for developing training programs, I can help.

These include 1-on-1 remote coaching and personal training services, strength and conditioning program design, downloadable training programs, and coaching consultations to help develop short-, mid-, and long-term strength and conditioning programs specific to athletes' needs and the physical demands of the sport/position.

I provide reference material for continuing education for coaches interested in enhancing their knowledge of basic exercise science, functional anatomy, exercise progression, and training program design. Additionally, I offer 1-hour consultations and 3- and 6-week mentorships covering various topics, especially those of interest to the coach/trainer. I also provide pre-programmed 12-week workout programs for different training goals. 


I'm passionate about helping athletes and coaches achieve their goals and maximize their potential - training myself and helping athletes and coaches improve their performance and expand their knowledge motivates me to get out of bed in the morning.

In addition to helping athletes improve their strength and level of conditioning, I'm experienced in identifying weak muscles, flexibility limitations, and faulty movement patterns. These structural imbalances often limit performance and, when left unaddressed, are responsible for causing many injuries.

I use a variety of assessments and questionnaires to provide a starting point for training. Once training begins, I also create a training profile for each athlete using “real-time” training data, weekly video calls, and daily email/SMS support to ensure athletes are steadily progressing and optimizing their recovery.

Me Taking Notes - ASI II


I earned a Master's in Exercise Science from the University of Kansas in 2011 under Dr. Phil Gallagher. I also obtained my CSCS certification from the National Strength and Conditioning Association in 2011.

As a graduate assistant strength and conditioning coach for Olympic sports, I worked with the men's basketball team and baseball teams under Andrea Hudy. I researched with Dr. Andy Fry on the effect of strength training on baseball performance and assisted with additional studies.

After completing my degree, I interned with the University of Kansas football team. I have taken several continuing education courses on athlete assessments, advanced training methods, and sports nutrition and supplementation.

Throughout my career, I have coached athletes at the Olympic level, including a 4x world record holder, have worked with athletes from various professional sports leagues, including the NFL, NBA, MLB, and PGA, and have worked alongside and for other successful strength coaches, including Stephane Cazeualt.

Additionally, I have contributed to articles and eBooks on various training and sports websites, including Poliquin Group and EliteFTS.


I take a holistic approach to training. I start by gathering essential information about you and your sport/position, including:

  • Your injury history.
  • What time of year is it relative to the start of your season or event?
  • How long do I have to work with you?
  • Is your sport a strength and power or endurance sport?
  • Is specialized equipment involved (i.e., bats, racquets, clubs)?
  • What are the bioenergetic and biomechanical demands of the sport/position?
  • What are the most common injuries associated with that sport/position?
  • What are your nutrition habits?
  • How well do you sleep?

I conduct movement assessments to observe how your body functions as an integrated system and individual joint performance. I also use questionnaires to gain insight into your overall lifestyle, including eating habits, sleep patterns, additional life stressors, and how effectively you manage stress.

Your short-term, mid-term, and long-term training plan is then developed based on the information collected and your performance goals.

NFL offensive lineman Mike Onewenu performing a Single-Arm Farmer's Walk.
NFL defensive end Nick Williams performing a Trap Bar Deadlift.
NFL defensive end Joel Heath performing a reactive drill as part of his ACL return to play program.


Q: What services do you offer?

A: I offer personalized 1-on-1 remote coaching/training for athletes, coaches, and personal trainers.

In addition, I provide consultations and mentorships to strength coaches and personal trainers looking to enhance their kinetic chaining, exercise selection, exercise progression, and program design skills.

Q: How do you help athletes achieve their goals?

A: I explain every step of the process to help you understand the reasoning behind each training decision so you're more likely to trust the process.

I create a performance profile for each athlete to track various performance and physiological markers for better training and recovery decisions. I also collect regular feedback to adjust training and provide regular performance reports to ensure accountability and motivation.

Q: Do you only work with athletes?

A: I work with anyone who is as equally dedicated to their health and well-being as an athlete is dedicated to their sport.

I've worked with countless business professionals and have found those who apply the same skills that made them successful in their careers to achieve their health and fitness goals reach them much faster. If you're ready to commit, I can help you succeed.